Poorly Maintained Trailer

In Health and Safety / Alert Bulletins posted on 2nd August 2011

What Happened?

Alert Bulletin - Poorly Maintained Trailer

A driver with a trailer in a poor condition reported at Tata Steel to collect.

While trying to open the trailer roof, part of the roof came loose and fell to the ground.

Both the driver and the loader where very lucky not being hit by part of the roof. Both were within 1 meter radius of the falling object. This object could potentially severely injure them.

Findings and conclusions

The trailer was in a poor condition and not being maintained properly.


Alert Bulletin - Poorly Maintained Trailer





Make sure all trailers reporting at Tata Steel are fit for purpose and in a good condition. Defective trailers and trailers in a poor condition will be turned away from site.

Trailers (in particular sliding roofs) must be regularly inspected and maintained.

It is forbidden for drivers to repair a trailer (roof) at any Tata Steel site by climbing up the sides of their trailer or using the platform side construction to stand on.

Never use excessive force.

Defects must be reported.

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