AB13 03 Defective Equipment

In Health and Safety / Alert Bulletins posted on 9th April 2013

Defective Equipment leads to Injury

What happened?

AB13 03.01

15th March 2013 – IP was preparing his trailer for loading. He had opened the roof to the front of the trailer, then opened his curtains. After this he noticed the roof was not locked into place. He then got back on to the trailer to lock the roof, to prevent it from moving during loading.

Roof was stiff to move when pushed so IP tried pulling backwards, as he has done this, the roof pole has broken and slipped out of its connecting eye. The IP has then slipped backwards and hit his head on the trailer headboard, cutting it very slightly.


o Roof pole defective

AB13 03.02

o Roof was stiff to move when opening

o Excessive force used by IP to try to open roof

Initial Recommendations

Regular maintenance of Sliding Roofs is essential to avoid future injuries.

o Hauliers to review the service plans and maintenance frequency of sliding roofs

o Hauliers to highlight to drivers the importance of reporting defects on sliding roofs.

o Never use excessive force

o Always use a Roof Pole to operate Sliding roofs

o Ensure Roof Pole is checked for defects prior to use

o Trailers and Equipment must be Fit For Purpose before use!

o Defective trailers WILL be turned away

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