Safety Bulletin SB 11 2015

In Health and Safety / Alert Bulletins posted on 23rd December 2015

Winter Weather and Driving - are you ready?

The long cold dark nights of the winter months brings many hazards for all road users, but especially so during periods of bad weather.

Winter weather 1

In dangerous weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, fog, snow and ice, it's best to avoid making a journey by road unless absoltuely necessary. If driving in such conditions is unavoidable, by taking simple precautions and having basic equipment in your vehicle will help you to be prepared:-

  • Keep an eye on weather forecasts.
  • Carry de-icer spary and a windscreen scraper, a shovel, waterproof and warm clothing, hat, gloves and a blanket.
  • Check tyres are in good condition, pressures and tread depth; 5mm is recommended.
  • Ensure vehicle lights are working and replace blown bulbs quickly.
  • On wet roads slow down and allow extra distance betwen you and the vehicle in front.

The golden rule is drive with care and caution and expect the unexpected

Further useful information can be found on the websites below:- -trucks and coaches.pdf

Alternitively print and display the Winter Driving poster accompanying this bulletin:

Winter driving poster

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