Safety Newsletter 1

In Health and Safety / Safety Newsletters posted on 2nd August 2011

It has been 5 months since the fatal accident at Scunthorpe

Many thanks firstly to the hauliers who between them obtained over 500 signatures from their drivers and the progress made with the applying of trailer park brakes.

However, the recent incidents covered in the latest Alert bulletin has highlighted that roll away events are still occurring and that there is a small minority of drivers to whom the message is not getting through.

Red Stripe

Everyone must continue to enforce the message of applying tractor unit hand brakes and trailer park brakes.

Falls from Trailer bulletin

Following on from the Alert bulletin regarding the falls from trailers, the corrective actions fall under 3 categories.

Roof Poles

Every driver must have a Roof Pole to operate his sliding roof.
 The Roof Pole, like Personal Protective Equipment is a fundamental part of every Driver's kit and should be regarded as so.
 Tata will turn drivers away if they do not possess a Roof Pole for operating sliding roofs.
 Please review your procedures around ensuring Roof Pole availability.

Repair of Sliding Roofs

We must re-iterate that it is unacceptable for drivers to be attempting repairs to their sliding roof mechanism without help or fall arrest systems.

Defect Reporting System

Any defects found by a driver must be reported and immediately investigated and rectified.
 Trailers must be Fit for Purpose and used correctly at all times.

Crash Emails

You will have seen the weekly updates informing you of Non Conformances occurred. It is vital we receive information on corrective actions taken. We must continue to work together to promote better H&S awareness and driver behaviour.

Many thanks to those of you who respond and take action regularly.

Tata Steel Colors, Shotton

Shotton site have implemented new colour coded signage to better direct drivers around site, the same as what is in place already at Tubes sites, Corby and Hartlepool. 

Rotherham Induction CentreTata Steel Colors Shotton

Tata Steel Long Products, Rotherham

Rotherham have a new Induction Centre which opened October 2010. All drivers are taken through a thorough presentation of the site rules and regulations in their own language and are given an induction card on completion. An Automatic Number Plate Recognition system is also in place to ensure only inducted personnel are allowed on site.

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