Safety Newsletter 2

In Health and Safety / Safety Newsletters posted on 2nd August 2011

Do we change unsafe driver behaviour?

This is the question that all of us need to be asking ourselves!

We have all met a driver who has been driving for 30 years and 'has always done it this way' and believes 'it will never happen to me'.

The main problem is that the driver does not deem what he is doing as 'unsafe', examples such as:

  • Using a side board instead of a roof pole
  • Climbing up sideboards to fix their roof
  • Leaving their engine running whilst out of the cab
Personal and Customer Standards

How do we get through to a driver who has 'been doing it this way for years' that what he is doing is unsafe and not acceptable?

The impacts on theirs and their family's quality of life in the event of an incident rendering them unable to work can be huge:

  • Loss of pay
  • Not being able to fend for themselves
  • Impact on social life
  • Higher insurance premiums
  • Hospital visits

The challenge for all of us is getting the message through to every driver that it could happen to them and they are not infallible!

Roof Poles

Engines running whilst driver is out of cab

We must emphasise the issue of Roof Poles again in this issue as unfortunately, still too many drivers arrive at sites without one. The attached TSSP Safety Topic highlights that issues are still occurring far too often.

All drivers must have Roof Poles before entering any Tata site!

Engines running whilst drives is out of cab

Also as part of the Barry Shaw fatality briefing, we must emphasise again the following 3 points:

  1. Tractor Unit park brake must be applied
  2. Engine switched off
  3. Ignition keys removed before leaving cab

Trailer Park Brakes

We are still encountering too many instances of trailers being left without hand brakes applied. Although in general, compliance is around 97-98%, during the last couple of weeks in Scunthorpe the compliance percentage has dropped to 93%.
 You must all re-enforce the message of applying trailer park brakes immediately!

New driver training package roll out

The P&O Ferrymasters new Driver Training Package is complete and ready for roll out. The package contains elements on:

  • Safety Principles
  • Tractor & Trailer Visual SWP's
  • Working at Height
  • Defect Reporting
  • Basic Principles - Load Securing
  • Load Restraint Guidelines for 11 products

Load Restraint Basic Principle Courses

Tata Steel have been running 2 day basic principle courses over the last year with great success. There are more courses planned throughout 2011. If any of you would like to participate in one of the courses then please send an email to

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