Safety Newsletter 2013 - 06

In Health and Safety / Safety Newsletters posted on 3rd October 2013

Roof Poles, Roof Maintenance and Defect Reporting

Last year our focus was on the use of roof poles for opening and closing sliding roofs. Thanks to your cooperation this has greatly reduced the number of actual and potential accidents or injuries due to drivers climbing up to repair or free faulty roof mechanisms, or using side boards etc to open roofs. The reported figure of drivers not arriving with a roof pole so far this year is 107 which is a massive improvement on the 252 reported for 2012 which is fantastic!

Linked to this is a regular roof maintenance programme and a robust defect reporting system. Proactive servicing and lubricating of sliding roofs has many benefits which is vital to ensure all equipment is in the best condition and fit for purpose.

Roof Pole and Defect Reporting

Roof Pole:-

  • Allows a driver to open and close his roof from the ground
  • Avoids working at height and the risk of falling from height

Roof Maintenance and Defect Reporting

  • Reduced effort required by the driver (manual handling)
  • Remove the risk of climbing to fix a problem (working at height and falling)
  • Reduced time (wasted time from struggling and then repairing damages)
  • Reduced cost through reduced lost time and potential injuries

Accompanying this newsletter is a Tata Red Stripe which highlights the importance of this topic. Please ensure this is passed on to your drivers.

On a Proactive note . . .

One operator is proactively inspecting and lubricating the roofs of their trailers to focus ib Sliding roofs and in August lubricated 188 roofs.

Site Standards and Inductions

It is important to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all personnel and visitors to Tata sites.

Personal and Site Standards

Site Standards and Inductions are in place to advise everyone of what is required at each site. Please ensure you and your drivers are familiar with the standards and follow all the instructions given during induction training.

Driving on site with doors open

Trailer doors if not properly closed can be a serious hazard and cause damage to persons and property when traveling around site. Please ensure trailer doors are closed securely at all times when traveling on site.

And finally . . .

A wealth of helpful driver and haulier safety information is available on our website, to assist in educating drivers and to keep you constantly up to date:

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