Safety Newsletter SN 04 2015

In Health and Safety / Safety Newsletters posted on 11th September 2015

Let us not forget.....

5 years since Barry Shaw tragically lost his life.It is hard to believe it has been so long and as an industry we have all come a long way in applying trailer park brakes. This practice was something that was not even considered on trailer parks prior to the accident but hopefully for the majority of drivers, this practice is now second nature.

It is a message that we as P&O repeat a lot but unfortunately we do still see occurrences of trailer park brakes not being applied and this is so disappointing given the serious nature and consequences of what could happen. We will keep repeating these messages until we achieve 100% compliance. We are not there yet so please… keep pressing the message home to drivers to apply the tractor unit hand brake and the trailer park brake.

The accompanying driver poster should push the message further…

Roll away

Say No, Ask to Re-stow...!

Say No

Also accompanying this bulletin is the slide encouraging Drivers to say No if they are not happy with how their load has been configured. Again, as with trailer park brakes, this is a message that P&O will keep pushing to Drivers. This is fully supported by P&O and Tata Steel. Drivers must be happy with the way the load is configured and placed on the trailer both in terms of load security and weight distribution.

Contact the transport office immediately if a re-stow is required.

Incident Reporting

Incident reporting

We have had recent instances of events occurring on route resulting in a load shift but were only reported by the end customer. This is clearly unacceptable. Drivers must report any unusual or abnormal events they encounter on route, for example –

  • Any movement of the load
  • Police stops (even if it does not result in any penalty being given)
  • Collisions
  • Break downs

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